Building and Rebuilding: Unique Blogs on Industrial and Manufacturing PursuitsBuilding and Rebuilding: Unique Blogs on Industrial and Manufacturing Pursuits

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Building and Rebuilding: Unique Blogs on Industrial and Manufacturing Pursuits

Hi. Thank you for reading my blog. I have always loved working with my hands, and my favourite book is "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance". This book explains the importance of fixing things correctly, regardless of how long it takes. It talks about building and rebuilding, and it links the act of fixing a motorcycle to the art of living. I believe it's important to take that concept into every aspect of life including manufacturing. I have been around the manufacturing industry for years, and I've seen what works and what doesn't. In this blog, I hope to provide unique perspectives on industrial and manufacturing pursuits. I hope that my ideas lead you and your business to creating better products, seamless processes and happier, healthier employees. My name is John, and thank you for reading!


5 Critical Sandblasting Rules to Achieve Successful Outcomes

Sandblasting or abrasive blasting is a popular surface preparation technique used in most industries. It uses abrasive particles alongside pressurised air or water to smoothen, remove burrs or apply textures on surfaces. However, it takes extra skill and expertise to sandblast a surface without causing some damage and still achieve cleaner surfaces. Being patient and keeping in mind the following tips will help you sandblast with minimal unpleasant outcomes. 

Choose the Ideal Sandblasting Media

Many abrasives are used in sandblasting processes, each suitable for specific applications. These abrasives have varying degrees of hardness, which means they have different effects on target surfaces. Due to the high sandblasting pressure, some media, like crushed glass, can become extremely hot to the extent of embedding themselves on the target surface. Therefore, it's vital to select the appropriate media to prevent such issues. 

Determine Your Sandblasting Pressure

Most abrasive blasting techniques use the highest possible pressure to effectively clean surfaces. Generally, high PSI levels generate more heat due to the aggressiveness caused on the target surface. High PSI can strip off tough surfaces like metals depending on the abrasive media deployed. However, other applications require lower PSI levels. Therefore, consider using the recommended pressure to prevent damage depending on the target surface. 

Check the Size of Your Sandblasting Tip

When choosing the ideal sandblasting tip, remember that the smaller it is, the more control you'll have over your blasting media. Small-sized tips expend fewer media that hits the surface simultaneously, resulting in less pressure. When choosing the nozzle size, other critical things to pay attention to include the available air, hose size and equipment capacity. 

Sandblasting Method and Experience 

This one goes without saying. It would help if you chose a sandblasting expert experienced and focused on offering high-quality work. Sandblasting is a risky process that you shouldn't attempt alone unless you're professionally trained. It requires the input of a professional blaster who uses the proper techniques and equipment to accomplish the task safely without putting you at risk. 

The Time Factor 

Time and patients are essential recipes for sandblasting success. Employing a small-sized nozzle and moderate pressure means taking more time to complete a project. If you choose a small nozzle and the highest PSI for a quicker process, you might potentially cause more damage and achieve unsatisfactory results.

Final Thoughts 

Sandblasting is an advanced surface clean-up process that calls for the right equipment, techniques, time and skill to achieve results. Therefore, maintain these essential rules to guarantee satisfying and efficient abrasive blasting outcomes.