Building and Rebuilding: Unique Blogs on Industrial and Manufacturing PursuitsBuilding and Rebuilding: Unique Blogs on Industrial and Manufacturing Pursuits

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Building and Rebuilding: Unique Blogs on Industrial and Manufacturing Pursuits

Hi. Thank you for reading my blog. I have always loved working with my hands, and my favourite book is "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance". This book explains the importance of fixing things correctly, regardless of how long it takes. It talks about building and rebuilding, and it links the act of fixing a motorcycle to the art of living. I believe it's important to take that concept into every aspect of life including manufacturing. I have been around the manufacturing industry for years, and I've seen what works and what doesn't. In this blog, I hope to provide unique perspectives on industrial and manufacturing pursuits. I hope that my ideas lead you and your business to creating better products, seamless processes and happier, healthier employees. My name is John, and thank you for reading!


Why Your Home May Need a Wheelchair Lift

When someone in the home is disabled or has health concerns that make walking and standing difficult, you may want to think about getting a wheelchair lift installed in the home. There is a large variety of models, sizes, and types of lifts from which to choose, so you're sure to find one that fits into your home and works for your overall décor and style. If you're still not sold on getting a wheelchair lift, note some advantages they offer and then discuss this with a contractor so you can determine if one would be good for your home.

1. Aesthetics

A wheelchair elevator in the home is usually inconspicuous, just like an elevator in a building. These are often built where a closet is currently located, or they may be built into a corner of the home and enclosed with a door that matches the home's overall décor and style. This can be much more aesthetically pleasing than having a chair lift with a track that attaches to a staircase, or an oversized ramp that is installed outside your home.

2. Carrying additional items

Even if a person is able to walk a little bit to get up stairs, trying to carry additional items with them can be very dangerous. Those items can throw them off balance or be too much weight for them to easily carry; even a load of laundry or cleaning supplies can become a hazard. With a wheelchair lift or elevator, a person can safely set down that laundry basket or whatever else they need and bring those to another floor without worrying about their safety.

3. Use by caregivers 

A wheelchair lift or elevator can make it easier to bring laundry or needed food trays you may be taking to a disabled person who is in an upstairs bedroom. Caregivers might appreciate not having to struggle to help someone up a flight of stairs or go up and down those stairs constantly to get water, medications from the refrigerator, and other such items that cannot be stored on the same floor as a disabled person's bedroom. 

4. Health

While a person who has health concerns may actually be able to push themselves up a ramp or even stand for some time, trying to get up that ramp or balance enough to walk a short flight of stairs may put stress on their joints and back. They may also be in pain as they push their wheelchair up the ramp or struggle to get up stairs. To avoid this added risk to their health and to ensure their overall comfort, a wheelchair lift or elevator may be a better option.